The story



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Universal Teas:

The People's Podcast

a Brand by Latoya Friend


"My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure" - Marianne Willaimson

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The Story

Hey Friends! Its me, the host of Universal Teas; The People's Podcast, and Universal Teas the Brand.

I wanted to create a space and an opportunity for all people to actively acknowledge, unpack, heal, and grow through all of life's traumas and challenges. This is a community of support! One that reassures you that you are NEVER alone in your struggles and ensures that you don't feel alone in your healing. Just as pain and hard times are universal, so is growth, strength, and healing. Birthed from attempting to heal through my own heartbreak alone, I was constantly compelled to use my voice as a means of healing which in turn, began help others. And so here we are! Here is the place were we share that tea, universally. Happy Healing!

- Love, Latoya

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Abstract Rectangle Scribble



Youtube: Universal Teas TV

Instagram: @universalteas

Facebook: Universal Teas The People's Podcast


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Coming Soon!